Rules Version from! [2024/28/12]
All ADMINS online within the server.. They must be present at the staff call!
1.1- Any pejorative, offensive, racist, or xenophobic expression is prohibited, whether through text, voice, nickname, or squad name.
The use of words like "monkey," "boludo," "nigger," etc., will be severely punished.
1.2- It is forbidden to provoke, insult, or offend anyone or retaliate to provocations, either via chat or voice channel.
1.3- Advertising other servers or communities related to PR is prohibited.
Complaints, criticism of the server, open criticism of admin decisions (map choice, vote, etc.), and discussions with the admin team must be handled on DISCORD (we have a dedicated channel for this: #SUPPORT).
Advertising in the in-game chat without admin approval is also prohibited.
1.4- It is prohibited to announce clan recruitment or events in team chats, global chat, briefing chat, or general VOIP.
1.5- Spam or messages that cause discord are prohibited in the team, global, report (!r) or general voice chat (briefing) chats
• Spam is understood as the transmission of repetitive and/or non-relevant messages to the game
• ADDITIONAL 1.5! Use the SquadLeaders voice channels (Famous Numeric voip) other than for purpose purposes or to share information that is of importance to the TEAM. It will be considered as SPAM (Therefore, other SquadLeaders/Commander may report you for misuse of mumble..
NOTE: Regarding the punishment, it will be up to the Administrator to evaluate each scenario
1.6- During the briefing, chat (including Mumble) is free for unrelated conversations only until the squad creation phase (1:00 remaining).
1.7- Offensive or unpronounceable nicknames are prohibited:
Examples: ".:.:.", "::::::::", "54321654", "-----" 1.8 - Streaming the game live without admin permission is prohibited.
Even for authorized streamers, a minimum 5-minute delay and a way to block the map view for viewers are required.
2.1- Intentional teamkilling (TK) is strictly prohibited, regardless of the timing.
If an unintentional TK occurs, immediately apologize Q + ("sorry").
The type of weapon and distance will be considered; TKs are taken seriously.
2.2- Attacking (shooting or mining) the enemy's first flag, any main base exits, or repair zones before capturing all other flags is prohibited.
2.3- [MAJOR INFRACTION] Base camping (preventing enemy exits from the main base through attacks or blockades) is prohibited.
2.4- [MODERATE INFRACTION] Shooting in the main base area is only allowed once the last flag is captured or if the objective (flag or cache) is near the base.
2.5- Heavy assets (APC, TANK, or CAS) may not be used with fewer than 30 players on the server (at least 15 per side).
2.6- [MAJOR INFRACTION] Ghosting (sharing information from one team to the other) and switching teams mid-game are strictly prohibited (players must wait for the next round/map).
2.7- Actions considered anti-game and punishable include:
Disorder in the main base (shooting unnecessarily, throwing smoke grenades, etc.).
Stealing allied assets (applicable to APC, TANK, CAS, TRANS); MODERATE INFRACTION Intentional or accidental destruction of allied assets
(APC, TANK, CAS, TRANS, LOGISTICS) due to lack of identification or negligence MAJOR INFRACTION Abandoning assets (APC, TANK, CAS, TRANS, Logi, Jeep, Truck, etc.) deliberately on the battlefield. Intentional destruction of allied cache MAJOR INFRACTION
Note: This will be investigated by the admin team and, if intentionality is confirmed, a penalty will be issued. Marking or camping on FOB and hideout.
2.8- [MAJOR INFRACTION] The use of any cheat or trick to avoid previously applied penalties is prohibited.
2.9- [MODERATE INFRACTION] Using glitches or bugs that provide a player advantage is prohibited.
3.1- Squad leaders must have a microphone, maintain active communication, use only the Officer kit, and be proactive with the team. Otherwise, the squad may be dissolved, or the leader may be kicked.
3.2- Leaders are responsible for the behavior of their squad, including asset squads.
3.3- Locking an infantry squad with fewer than 4 members is prohibited.
Avoid locking the squad when the server is full. For asset squads, the squad can only be locked with the required number of players to operate all assets, with a maximum of 1 reserve.
3.4- Squads cannot be created before the countdown reaches 1:00.
3.5- Certain assets are reserved for squads named accordingly: TRANS, MORTAR/MORTEIRO, APC, TANK, and CAS.
The first correctly named squad has the right to use the asset.
A squad with the correct name, without any additional text after the asset name, will be considered valid. EXAMPLES OF INVALID NAMES: “CAS TIGER,” “DDTANK,” “TRANS FORMERS”
To define the category of each asset, the icon in the Caps Lock asset list should be considered.
Other assets, like AAV, ATGM, BRDM, CROWS, etc., are free for use by any squad, but good asset usage should be prioritized.
3.6- It is prohibited to one-man assets that require two operators (crewman) for full functionality (APC, TANK, two-seat CAS, ATGMs).
For instance, AAVs and APCs without a gunner (M113, VAB, TPz Fuchs) may be operated solo. 4. CONDUCT RULES:
4.1- [PERMANENT BAN] Racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or other personal attacks are strictly prohibited.
4.2- Other communities.. Call [#SUPPORT]
TACNET.BR RESPONSE: Although we may be different servers, we share the common goal of entertaining and offering a fair and enjoyable experience to players. At TACNET.BR, we are not interested in disputes or rivalries. Our mission is to add value to the PR community, promoting an environment of respect and collaboration among everyone.
4.3- [MAJOR INFRACTION] In-game advertising of other communities without permission is prohibited.
4.4- [MAJOR INFRACTION] The use of "assistants" such as cheats, hacks, aimbots, and macros is prohibited, except for apps for mortar calculation, layers, and topology.
4.5- [MODERATE INFRACTION] Exploiting game bugs or glitches is prohibited. Examples include shooting through walls or creating FOBs in inaccessible areas.
NOTE: Locations accessible by climbing on objects are not considered inaccessible.
4.6- Destroying allied vehicles or fortifications without the Squad Leader's permission is prohibited, except if the Commander notifies.